Aluminium Windows Somerset Aluminium Windows in Somerset

Aluminium Windows Somerset Aluminium Windows in Somerset

We are a well-known Somerset Aluminium windows company. We have been in the business of providing aesthetically designed, sturdy aluminium windows for houses and commercial buildings in Somerset for over 20 years. Our aluminium windows are designed distinctively to suit your requirements. Our various aluminium windows are produced from high-quality raw materials and are held in high regard by our clients worldwide. We offer our windows at competitive rates and in an array of dimensions and designs. We adhere to the following guiding principles when producing any of our aluminium windows –

Providing Brilliance and Accuracy

Windows are so much more than just a pane of glass and can be created for more than just their functional use. We like to make windows unique. We use ground-breaking technology to provide you with windows that enhance the character of your home. We ensure that each window designed and manufactured by us meets high-quality standards.

Bespoke Design

Appreciation for beauty can be seen in every window Aluminium Windows Somerset make. Our designs prove that our technicians take pride in their work, producing top-quality work for you. Our aluminium windows will fit perfectly in any building, whether it is a residential or a commercial building in Somerset.

Wonderful Artisans

Our craftsmen are skilled and experienced in producing high-quality work. Throughout the whole process from planning to installation, you can be assured that we will always work to a high standard. You can be assured that we will remain professional and work with minimum disruptions to you at all times through the use of the latest technologies. There are many homes that benefit from having our quality aluminium windows installed in Somerset.

Excellent Customer Service

With just professionalism and craftsmanship our company would not be complete. We value our customers and have trained our staff accordingly. We manufacture aluminium windows for you, and so, we make sure that you are pleased with our service. We will listen to what you need, provide you with regular updates throughout the process and advise about maintenance. We will always advise you of our progress throughout the entire process.

Aluminium Window Services we Provide in Somerset

There is a wide range of aluminium window services at Aluminium Windows Somerset. Aluminium windows can help transform any home or office.

Bi-Fold Aluminium windows

At Aluminium Windows Somerset, we have bi-fold windows to open your indoors to the outer surroundings. Our bi-fold windows are built using high-quality steel and foam-wrapped compression seals, giving you the durability you deserve. Bi-Fold Window Features –

  • High-quality stainless steel hinges, handles and rollers.
  • Sashes held by flush locks at the bottom
  • Foam-wrapped PVC compression seals between the window frames and sashes.
  • Easy functioning achieved through installation of head and sill tracks.

With us, you can choose from a variety of varnishing options and have configuration width ranging up to 5.7m. Options to choose from include plain glass or different glazing bar designs, as well as standard and custom colours in a variety of window type configurations. Let us design and install your aluminium windows and add to the uniqueness of your home in Somerset.

Awning Windows made of Aluminium

Awning windows are ideal for letting fresh air into the home even when it’s raining. During rain and damp weather, hinges and well-sealed frames keep water from seeping through Aluminium Windows Somerset aluminium windows. These windows keep your house well-ventilated in all seasons. Aluminium awning windows feature –

  • Key lockable chain winder made from stainless steel.
  • A foldaway handle with the chain winder to keep the shades away.
  • Complete with foam-wrapped seals to ensure weatherproofing.
  • Like some of our clients in Somerset, you can choose to glaze your aluminium windows.
  • We can also give you extra protection by adding an interior aluminium insect safety screen to the window.
  • We have options for plain glass or different designs for bar glazing.

Aluminium Casement Windows

You can choose a casement window to keep your house well-ventilated. All you need to do is make a little adjustment to leverage the changing airflows. Friction is normally used to keep casement windows open, but with Aluminium Windows Somerset we give you the option of having a smooth and heavy duty iron winder. You can also opt for a matching interior aluminium insect screen to keep the bugs out while letting the fresh air in. Aluminium casement window features include –

  • To enhance weather proofing, a cam-catch that is also lockable.
  • Panes opening up to 90 degrees to enhance air flow.
  • Foam-wrapped seal guarantees full weather proofing.
  • Options include a range of glazing selections, plain glass or different bar glazing designs and a variety of configurations for window styling.

Aluminium Double Hung Window Services

Aluminium Windows Somerset double windows are great for getting fresh air into your home. You can open both of the top stashes simultaneously to allow as much air as you desire. Adaptable spring balances make opening and shutting Aluminium Windows Somerset aluminium windows a breeze. Aluminium double hung windows feature –

  • Adjustable spiral balances that can be easily operated
  • A key locked cam-catch to seal for weather protection.
  • Interlocking mechanism makes windows stronger.
  • Detachable insect screens that can be removed from the inside.
  • In Somerset, you can choose between bar glazed or plain glass for your windows.
  • You can also have your windows in standard colours or choose one that you like.

Aluminium Sliding Windows

Aluminium Windows Somerset sliding aluminium windows are a great way to view the streets of Somerset through a simple yet modern look. To make our windows weatherproof, we seal them and allow you to select from a variety performance glasses. To enjoy fresh air, you can simply slide the window on friction free, silent nylon rollers.

Our aluminium sliding windows have –

  • Interlockers for stronger windows
  • Easy-to-adjust height key locks
  • well-sealed frames for weather protection.
  • Removable insect protection screens

Our Aluminium Window Process

At Aluminium Windows Somerset, we build windows right out of your imagination. An initial consultation will be carried out first to ensure we understand your needs. We take our findings back to our strategy board and hash out the plans. Once that is done, we jump right into the manufacturing and installing phase. Our priority is to keep you well-informed through all stages to keep you satisfied. Write to us now using the details below to arrange your consultation –

Get in touch –

Website –
Business Contact – Albert Morgan
Business Name – Aluminium Windows Somerset
Phone Number – 0800 772 0298
Contact Email –

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